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Proceedings of the 49th YPSW Annual Meeting

January 17-20, 2024

The conference theme for this year was Intersection of Technology, Worker Well-being, and OEHS. The conference spanned the three days of meetings. President Colin Young welcomed attendees to the 49th Annual Meeting of the YPSW Local Section. Program Chair, Dan Anna introduced the program.


Program for 49th Annual Meeting

Business Meeting Minutes 2024

Meeting Summary

Technical Program

Overview of Robotics in the Workplace by Jacob Carr, PhD

Litium Ion Battery Production Risks and Controls by Shiela McBride, CIH

Incorporation of Virtual Reality into Training by Marty Cohen, PhD, CIH, CSP

The Influence of AI on Health and Safety by Jay Vietas, PhD, CIH, CSP

Virtual Presentation: Robotics, AI, and Augmented Reality; New Opportunities for Human Machine Teaming  by David Handelman, PhD,

The Impact of Technology on the Workplace by John Howard, MD

Sensor Technology and Data to Inform Decisions by Donna Heidel, CIH, FAIHA

Utilization of Sensor Technology Laboratory Accreditation Program Feasibility Study by Steven Lacey, PhD, CIH and Dana Hollins, CIH

Technical Tour - University of California, San Diego

The Contextual Robotics Institute at UC San Diego advances development of useful robotic systems for the public good that "see, think, and do." The Institute's mission is to advance contextual robotics through education and training in robotics focusing on solving pressing robotics challenges in three overarching areas: autonomous systems, cyber-physical technologies, and medical robotics.

Dr. Henrik Christensen, Director
Dr. Henrik Christensen,
Director, Contextual Robotics Institute

Website for Contextual Robotics Institute

Association and Organization Reports

AIHA Update by Larry Sloan, MBA, CAE - AIHA CEO

Speaker Bios