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Proceedings of the 42nd YPSW Annual Meeting

January 18-20, 2017

The conference theme for this year was The Wisdom Gift: Thought Leaders Passing on Sage Advice to Future Industrial Hygienists. The conference spanned the three days of meetings. President Larry Gibbs welcomed attendees to the 42nd Annual Meeting of the YPSW Local Section. Program Chair, Bob Lieckfield started out thanking the Program Committee members, Terry Thedell and Tom Slavin, for their valuable assistance. He also made special mention of the dedication of Anna Davis and Nicole Browning, who is a colleague at Bureau Veritas, and noted their contributions to making the meeting a success.


Program for 42nd Annual Meeting

Meeting Summary

Technical Program

YPSW 2017 Program Introduction by Bob Lieckfield Jr., CIH, FAIHA

Keynote: The Wisdom Gift by Terry Thedell, PhD,CIH,CSP

Revisiting Blind Hogs Acorn by Barbara J. Dawson CIH,CSP,FAIHA

Educating the Next Generation by Del Malzahn, CIH, FAIHA

Teaching the Right Things The Right Way by Robert D. Soule, CIH,CSP,FAIHA

Certification and Credentialing by Lynn ODonnell, CIH, FAIHA

Workplace Health Without Borders - Expanding the Practice of Industrial Hygiene by David Zalk, PhD, CIH, FAIHA

Nonstandard Work Arrangements & The Future of Work by John Howard, MD

Protecting Workers through Government Regulation and Penalties by John Henshaw, CIH, FAIHA

Case Study in Conflict Between Policy & Science - Diacetyl by Shanon Gaffney, PhD,MHS,CIH (slides not available)

The Future of Industrial Hygiene - Messaging to GenX & Millenials by Michael Rosenow MPH, CIH, CSP

Leadership in the Future of the Industrial Hygiene Profession by Carter Ficklen III, CIH, CSP

Association and Organization Reports

AIHA Update by Steven Lacey, AIHA President

AIHA and Local Sections: Teaming Up for the Growth of the Profession by Larry Sloan, CAE, AIHA Chief Executive Officer

AIHA Regulatory and Legislative Update by Aaron Trippler

ACGIH Update by Susan Arnold PhD., CIH,FAIHA, ACGIH Past Chair

ABIH Update by Susan Ripple, ABIH Past Chair

AIHA Pacific Region Update by Stephen W. Hemperly, MS, CIH and Denise Daggett, MS, CIH

Other Business

Meeting Regrets  - mailed in responses.